Physical Therapy and Marathon Training

Marathon training is about more than strategically adding miles and then tapering at the right times. Whether you have a series of marathon finishes under your belt or you're getting started on your first 26.2 miles you should be considering physical therapy in your marathon training preparation.

Physical therapy is for more than just healing from injuries. It is also an integral part of training and strengthening the proper muscles to avoid injury in the future. Training for a marathon without the proper form and technique can wreak havoc on your joints, tendons, bones, and muscles. 

Ever heard of heel striking?  It is a common problem in even the most experienced runner's stride and can range from shin splints to sciatic nerve pain and a whole host of aches. It is also a common problem that can be avoided entirely with the watchful eye and training feedback of a qualified physical therapist. 

Injury prevention is a huge key to enjoying your marathon training. The grueling mileage will be enough to deal with before adding injury into the mix. 

If you're preparing to run your first marathon your physical therapist can give you advice and tweak your training program to your fitness levels. Always go into something as intense as running a marathon with individualized training, it will make your experience much safer in the long run so be sure to give into the indulgence of personal training with a physical therapist when it comes to intense mileage like this. 

Not convinced you need to invest your time and efforts into physical therapy during your marathon training? Here's a short list of common injuries from running you might want to consider before you nix the idea altogether: 

These common injuries are no joke and can derail your marathon goals while also causing a lot of grief and pain in your life. Do your best to prevent them or deal with these injuries as soon as they begin by visiting your physical therapist. We are ready to help you reach your goals in both our Westchester and New York City pt offices.